How to Take CBD Oil For Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Neuropathic pain can be very difficult to bear and treat. Medicines offer only moderate relief and a ton of side effects. Fortunately, though Aromatherapy is a precious ally in soothing all types of pain. Find out how to improve your life quality with essential oils for trigeminal neuralgia. The way essential oils can help you get relief from trigeminal neuralgia pain.

Best Essential Oils for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Best Essential Oils for Trigeminal Neuralgia

When it comes to nerve pain, there are many different causes and disease names. They are all nonetheless, very painful and hard to treat. Trigeminal neuralgia is one of today’s most researched disease/syndrome. Even though it’s easier to manage, there is no definitive cure yet. Now we see how to take CBD oil for trigeminal neuralgia? Neuralgia is an intense burning or stabbing pain that’s caused by damage or irritation to a nerve. There are brief but severe episodes of pain that are felt along the affected nerve. The reason why that nerve has been damaged can tell you the type of neuralgia you suffer from. For example, it can be tooth decay or shingles, more details here. Neuropathy is disturbances and pathologic changes, or non-inflammatory lesions in the peripheral nervous system. It’s a general term used to describe any disorder that affects any part of the nervous system. Today, this general term is often used to describe diseases that affect the cranial nerves or the peripheral nervous system. The latter describes the part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.

Natural Relief with Essential Oils for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is when a person feels chronic pain from the affected trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is the 5th cranial nerve (CN5). This nerve splits into 3 different smaller nerves to cover 3 areas: the forehead, cheeks, and jaw. CN5 helps with sensation in different face and scalp areas. It also helps with some movements performed by the jaw, head, and nose. However, most movements in these areas are controlled by CN7 – Cranial Nerve 7, or facial nerve. If the sharp pain is felt when you move parts of the face and head, it’s most likely damage to CN7. If stabbing pain is felt to touch, then CN5 is more likely to be damaged.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Stabbing and violent pain along the affected nerve, this pain is usually felt on one part of the face, the affected one. At first, the pain may be short-lived (a few seconds). As the affection progresses, the episodes become more frequent and more intense. Between crises, there’s usually no pain. Each crisis may last hours, days, weeks, and even years.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Now we see the causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia, Unfortunately, nobody knows for sure what causes this disease/syndrome. There are, however, many hypotheses. It is more likely to suffer from TN after the age of 50. Also, women appear to be more affected by TN than men are. Multiple sclerosis is thought to cause a small percentage of face neuralgia. Trigger factors. They can be eating, brushing hair or teeth, smiling, laughing, alcohol, coffee, etc. Face muscle contraction. It may look like a grimace or a tic.